The slide shows below can be navigated using the thumbnails or the controls in the main image, and the images should be downloadable somehow, depending on your device and browser. The best viewing experience will be on a computer. The images are screen quality which means they will print rather small if that is your goal. If you are looking for a higher resolution image, please contact me directly at and I will be happy to convert the image as needed for your desired use.
Also, these are the 600 or so I chose to upload of the many I took. There may be others that you would prefer for your own use so if you're interested in a sequence of shots or a slightly different shot than the one I chose, check with me to see if I have others you'd rather have.
I've been asked if I'm selling these or taking donations. No, I am not. Consider this my donation to the sport. If you find value in that, please consider a donation to your club or team. I will leave this page as is until the end of this year. Sometime after that I will dramatically scale back the number of pictures posted and move MY favorites to my photo collections page so please save what you want before then!