The buttons below take you to pages that were not built as part of this site. The blog button takes you to a Wordpress site and the rest take you to one of the sub-folders on this ( server. They are included on this site in part for their content that is not elsewhere an in part for nostalgia. Since it started as a way to share family photos and news with relatives, I find it interesting to look back at how the site evolved.
This site was set up quickly to share some pictures from our wedding and link to some older pages set up previously. It should open in a new tab and many of the links no longer work. The main features still working are the wedding slide show and program "Thank You" page. Among the links not working are Ken's business site which was shut down when he left First Allied Securities, Inc. and some of the galleries. The email links are also outdated so don't try to reach any of us that way!
After Ken & Andrea started dating in 2007, Ken finished the new look of the family site, adding some dating photos... While the look was fresh, most of the original links changed location. Since they've been corrected in the "original" site below, those older links have not yet been corrected here.
In 2007, Ken once again began to update the website but changed only this homepage photo (so there is no link here) before deciding to try a new look.
Wow! Ken went a little overboard with the photos on this one! The first one is probably the best, but since he had just learned how to make a slide show with Ginger Goes to Baghdad, he made another one of Alicia's cheerleading - maybe because he'd just learned the slideshow thing, maybe because for awhile he'd taken over the squad! It was kind of funny to have a guy leading the practices... and to have 10 or 12 different girls calling him "Daddy-O"!
Have you ever heard of Flat Stanley? Well, when Ken deployed to the Middle East in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Kyle asked him to take his stuffed dog "Ginger" to keep him company and to remind him of Kyle, who would be taking care of his real dog Ginger back home. So dad took the stuffed Ginger on a tour from Georgia to Baghdad.
On the 17 hour flight home from Kuwait, Ken learned a little bit about the copy of Adobe Photoshop he acquired while there and he created this map-based photo collection of the early days of Iraqi Freedom. Although the intent was there to make it better later, family priorities took over as soon as he landed and this is how it has remained ever since!
This was our first real website which Ken created in 2003 during his "free" time in Kuwait. (There wasn't much to do off-duty!)
In 2000 Ken learned a little bit about creating a website and decided to experiment. He created a couple of individual pages to upload so that friends and family could see some pictures of Alicia & Kyle as they grew up. Each year or so, another page was posted and you can see from each how Ken tried to incorporate something new he'd learned. Can you find where Kyle's photo winks at you? :-)
In 2003, he finally got a copy of FrontPage and tried putting all of the pages together. This "original" site was the result.
At the time, host space on the internet was very limited. On top of that, Ken was still shooting film, scanning it, and uploading it - with no understanding of web optimization - so he quickly ran out of allotted space. As a result, this site was a hodge-podge of links to various storage locations, all of which were permanently broken somewhere along the way. In the creation of this new "2014 site," we've attempted to rebuild missing information but you may still find things that just don't work. As far as we know, the only link still broken is "Ginger Goes To Baghdad" because that collection now has it's own "permanent" space on this site.