It all started with Andrea, her poppies, and this photo.
On January 22, 2014 on her way out the door to the office, Andrea stopped to water her new poppies and asked Ken if he’d take a picture of them. After rolling his eyes and giving her that “REALLY?” look, Ken later decided that it really wasn’t too much to ask. So he put his new macro lens on his camera (not so new, but I’ll explain that in a minute) and went out back to take a few snapshots of the poppies. While doing so, this busy little bee showed up to collect pollen and Ken couldn’t resist trying to capture a really cool “poppy picture” for his own photo collection. After numerous less-than-acceptable shots, Ken finally got this one and sent if off to share with Andrea and family.
Alicia’s response when she opened the file was, “I’m jealous!” Ken wondered, jealous of what – the sunshine and warm springtime California weather? Keep in mind that on this particular day, one of the several 2014 polar vortex events had Atlanta in another grip of winter! But to his surprise, Alicia’s response to the question, “Jealous of what?” was a pouty, “I want to be able to take pictures like that.”
Since Ken always enjoys opportunities to better connect with his kids and has always known Alicia has a great eye for composing a photo, he assured her that she could take pictures like that if she would explore her camera beyond its point-and-shoot mode. Then they discussed some simple photographic techniques that Alicia was already familiar with, and Ken suggested that Alicia come out to California for a weekend of sightseeing and beaches, with a special emphasis on looking for the photo in every scene and learning how to capture it. Well, while this sounded like a great idea, school, teaching, work, and dance all make even a weekend getaway difficult for Alicia.
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Then fate got involved and one of Ken’s friends gave him a gift certificate to Barnes and Nobel for his 50th birthday. Browsing the store, Ken came across a book “52 Weekend Digital Photography Projects” and got an idea: Why not broaden his own skills and abilities, while at the same time helping Alicia in the very same way? He discussed it with Alicia and they both thought it would be fun to work on the same skills and techniques, one per week so as not to be too demanding, and share their results with each other.
Then fate got involved once more when Ken joined Andrea on a business trip. Upon hearing of this father-daughter project, one of Andrea’s publication colleagues suggested that they not only share this learning experience with each other, but write a father-daughter blog about it all.
Since this idea grew from family and friends, it makes sense to share it here with family and friends. To be clear, Ken’s initial interest in photography was encouraged by his father, Rody, who was a bit of a photo buff himself. Ken and Rody shared photos and photography knowledge over the years, and when Rody passed away in 2012, Ken inherited his camera and lenses (including the macro lens mentioned at the beginning) which naturally were all compatible with the equipment Ken already owned. Furthermore, Alicia’s “good” camera is one of Ken’s earlier hand-me-downs as well. Then you pile on the fact that this all started with Andrea, and that one of her colleagues came up with the blogging idea, and you have a true father-daughter, father-son, family, and friends project!
We hope we can stick to the plan, learn how to blog, improve our photography skills, and make this all work, and we hope you enjoy following along…