Alicia and I discussed this photography project idea back in February and agreed that we would try to begin in June – after school was out and dance was done for the year. In the meantime, she was going to try to do some reading on the basic techniques and principles as much as she could. After we were given the blogging idea, we discussed that too. Both of us knew what a blog was naturally, but neither of us knew how to set one up and manage it so I said that while she is learning a little more about her camera and photography basics, I would learn what I could about blogging.
Over Easter weekend (since it was rather lonely here in CA), I played around with our new internet hosting provider’s tools and did some research on blogging. By the end of the day on Saturday, I had a new website shell established with a blogging page but after experimenting a little with it, I realized that there would be no way for Alicia to add her own input to the blog so I went back to the drawing board. By the end of the day Sunday, I thought I had what I was looking for but I couldn’t test it because our service was down! First thing Monday morning I tested it and it worked like a charm.
So, now that I had that figured out, I set it aside and got back to real work. At the end of the day, I decided to tweak everything before “going live” and I accidentally wiped out the blog page! Yes, I had to start over. But this time it was easy because I’d already figured out what I needed and wanted so I just had to go through the motions of setting it up again. And… because I’ve been around computers enough to know, I had saved the text of my “In The Beginning” post to an offline file so all I had to do was paste it back in.
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So now we’re here, we’re live, and we’re ready for summer so we can start our project! Watch for a few new posts in the coming weeks as we get this ball rolling, and hopefully we’ll be running full steam ahead by Father’s Day.